March 20 2024 Negotiations Update

Today our negotiation committee continued to work with the company on reaching several more tentative agreements (TA). We have also passed and received new proposals that we are working through to achieve an agreement. We appreciate your support as we work to get a fair industry leading contract. We would like to remind everyone to continue to be patient as we are working hard and will update at the end of each day with what information we can.
We ended today’s session early to conduct the EBoard and monthly General Membership meeting. It was nice to see a few new members show up to the meeting. We explained how the negotiating process works, and the level of confidentiality that does not allow us to openly discuss everything that members are asking. There were good conversations about protecting LS7 work, and member involvement. Communication was a big topic with a few suggestions on how to improve that. However in order to put those suggestions in place we need member involvement to help us fix the problems, and concerns.
We will resume negotiations first thing tomorrow morning, with an update to follow at the conclusion of our day.
Also, to show your solidarity, please continue to wear your union shirts on Wednesdays.
Updated: March 21, 2024 — 9:33 am